About Us

Rational Systems helps organisations to use AI to build sustainable competitive advantage. Our proprietary research shows over 300 ways in which organisations can deploy AI or Machine Learning (ML) to improve business KPIs. We help organisations identify and deliver the AI tools necessary for this competitive advantage. We are vendor and use case agnostic so we focus on clients’ strategic opportunity rather than pushing specific solutions.

We believe that Artificial Intelligence will change the world. But not in the way that the current hype suggests. The change will take longer but will potentially be more profound. We can see the evolutionary opportunities as well as the revolutionary ones. Opportunities are everywhere but the barriers – of data, of expertise, of technology, of understanding – are currently high.

The biggest barrier that we see is the gap between AI specialists and senior Executives and Board members who need support understanding what is coming down the track. They need to work together and we can help provide the necessary translation services.

We have founded Rational Systems to help bridge this gap. Our advisory work with start-ups, investors and corporates has shown us the need for clarity on how AI can actually, really, be used. Our library includes over 1000 case studies for how to use AI.

Rational Systems aims to inform and inspire, to advise and guide as you develop an AI strategy. The goal is to understand how this emerging technology will help deal with key business challenges while creating new opportunities – and threats. We partner with our clients and understand that the conversation starts with your strategic challenges and not the underlying technology.